“David is a fantastic coach

and is especially helpful at coming up with character specific movement and comedic choices. I enjoyed working with him so much that I hired him to work with one of the leads for a movie I produced.”

Olivia Hamilton
La La Land, First Man
Producer, Babylon (Paramount Pictures, dir Damien Chazelle)

“David is nothing short of a genius. A generous, creative collaborator with a deep, kaleidoscopic knowledge of theater, film, literature and music, he helps raise stories and performances up to finely-tuned high art.

Maria Giese, DGA
Writer, Director, Producer
When Saturday Comes, Hurt, Brainwashed
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Contact David

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In the creative arts, David is a practitioner, scholar, author and educator whose expertise ranges from screen to stage, instruction to leadership. He has worked in film and television, mainstream theatre, musical theatre, opera, and classical music, and has written, performed, directed and choreographed over 50 plays, operas and productions all over the world.

Recent highlights include performing his own adaptation of Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale with Teddy Abrams and the Louisville Orchestra, and directing the opera 3 Paderewskis in Poland and at The Kennedy Center.

David is the co-author of Clowns: In Conversation, featuring interviews with many of the world’s greatest clowns, published by Routledge UK, available through Amazon.com. His second book, Send In The Clowns: Humanitarian Clowning in Crisis Zones will be published in 2023.

The Los Angeles Times writes: “Bridel is the real thing, one of the most inventive, scholarly and vastly challenging voices on the current theatrical scene.”